Creating Agile Culture at Work
Glue with Agile Culture (Mindset): There is a misconception that “agile” means faster delivery, however it really means being able to quickly react and respond Agile Practices at Work Daily Stand-ups / Gatherings Sprint Story Point etc. Create an agile culture using essential behavioral norms (Values):- Psychological Safety Healthy Communication Empathy Trust Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Responding to change over following a plan. Agile Leadership and Management Developing Leadership Styles Manage the system, not the people Help make all clients happy Improve the system Co-create work (the collaborative work with experts and/or stakeholders and clients) Empower Teams Energize people Develop Competence Improve Everything etc. "Leaders who want to change work culture, they have ...